The Reverend Steve Ahlersmeyer - Director of Ministry Programs

The Reverend Steve Ahlersmeyer has joined The Lutheran Foundation as the Director of Ministry Programs. Pastor Ahlersmeyer holds a teaching degree from Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois and for three years he taught seventh grade at Trinity Lutheran School in Fort Wayne before enrolling at Concordia Theological Seminary.
His vicarage year was spent at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Schofield, Wisconsin. He graduated from the seminary with a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained on March 12, 1989. He has served as pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Groton, Connecticut from 1989 to 1992, senior pastor of King of Kings Lutheran Church, Mason, Ohio from 1992 to 2000, and senior pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana from 2000 to 2023.
Steve will use his experience to connect The Lutheran Foundation to the Lutheran congregation and schools to foster effective communications and collaboration.